I have felt really bad not posting updates, but, things have changed so many times! The bottom line with my health has been hours of tele-medicine calls, many options from amazing docs, but no set direction. Glioblastoma is a really rough diagnosis.
The good news is that despite all of that, I have remained a fighter and the cancer has only grown slowly. So ... Drew and I had the opportunity to travel VERY unexpectedly to Duke University for a treatment setup! It is been a whirlwind, but we are going to go for it. I am going to have five days of radiation starting TOMORROW.
We promise to keep you posted on how it goes and are are so thankful for any prayers you can send. I may not feel so great from the treatment, so may be a little slow with updates (but we always slow with that;)
Team Julie

Kate after ORU won it's second game in the NCAA tourney!

A little humor to get through glioblastoma cancer treatments ... I am starting FIVE days of radiation tomorrow. When I can't sleep, you never know what is on TV!

Our friends and family have been amazing with gifts and encouragement!