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I used to be a planner...those were the days:)

Julie Gerhart Houts

I have felt really bad not posting updates, but, things have changed so many times! The bottom line with my health has been hours of tele-medicine calls, many options from amazing docs, but no set direction. Glioblastoma is a really rough diagnosis.

The good news is that despite all of that, I have remained a fighter and the cancer has only grown slowly. So ... Drew and I had the opportunity to travel VERY unexpectedly to Duke University for a treatment setup! It is been a whirlwind, but we are going to go for it. I am going to have five days of radiation starting TOMORROW.

We promise to keep you posted on how it goes and are are so thankful for any prayers you can send. I may not feel so great from the treatment, so may be a little slow with updates (but we always slow with that;)


Team Julie

Kate after ORU won it's second game in the NCAA tourney!

A little humor to get through glioblastoma cancer treatments ... I am starting FIVE days of radiation tomorrow. When I can't sleep, you never know what is on TV!

Our friends and family have been amazing with gifts and encouragement!




The Houts Family


Thank you so much for checking in!  We are so thankful for your friendship and support.  

Thank You!

Thank you for following along on our journey and 

supporting our family with your love and prayers.

We feel it and appreciate it more than you could ever know!

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